Board member.

Gwen works as a Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury Paralegal and hopes to bring their transferable knowledge to improving access to diagnosis, treatment and support for other people with the condition. 

Gwen’s experience of chronic Depersonalisation and Derealisation started in 2018 following a series of stressful life events, although generally dissociating had been a coping mechanism for her long before that time. Since then, Gwen has done a lot of work in trauma therapy and in making holistic lifestyle changes to improve her experience with the condition.

Gwen is currently finding relief and comfort from practicing to keep herself well; through hydration, sleep, weightlifting, walks, yoga, meditation, herbal teas and aromatherapy. She is honing her mindfulness and shadow work practice and is now finding some acceptance and moments of symptom fluctuation. Gwen wants to use her experiences to uplift and support others through their own journeys.

“I have come to be grateful for my DPDR for keeping me safe and helping me to survive an unforgiving environment. I did not choose how I came into the world, or what has happened to me, but I can choose to recover. I can choose to process and heal and grow and to find acceptance and peace with the way things are. I will continue to do so and to teach myself that I am safe, and I no longer need my DPDR safety blanket, until eventually it lifts.”