
Michael Down

Trustee and board member.

Michael has long-term experience with DPRD. He was one of the first to be assessed at the Depersonalisation Research Unit at The Maudsley in London and has taken part in numerous trials, continuing to contribute to its research to this day. 

After suffering for 15 years prior to being diagnosed, Michael now hopes his experience can go some way to helping others and particularly those that are unaware of what is happening to them. It was only with the advent of the internet that he discovered other people were experiencing similar symptoms and that revelation set him on a path of recovery. He joined the board of Unreal after meeting Jane Charlton at a support group, recommended to him by Dr Elaine Hunter.

Michael has a background in film, video production, and photography and he hopes these skills can be used to raise awareness of the condition and reach out to sufferers, as well as document any progress made in a research capacity. He enjoys travel and challenging himself with unconventional trips and immersing in other cultures. Michael also writes and directs and hopes at some stage to produce a film which touches on the condition. 

“Ironically, DPDR has taught me to appreciate life, even though I have often felt I am an observer of one rather than a participant. I have seen a vast change in attitudes since my first experience with DPDR over 30 years ago, that has enabled me to go from a belief that I was going mad, or had actually died, to a path of acceptance, finding and meeting others with the same experience, and ultimately to where we are today and my involvement with Unreal. It’s been a long journey that I would never want anyone else to go through, my one hope is that I can help others to realise they are not alone with this.”