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Our mission

Unreal reaches out to people of lived experience of DPDR and their carers and families. We seek to raise awareness of Depersonalisation and Derealisation, to provide support and to promote involvement through providing up to date information, signposting, networking, the sharing of experiences and by celebrating success.

Find out more about us.

Information and resources

Find out more about Depersonalisation and Derealisation symptoms, causes and treatment plus information for carers, friends and family.

Peer Support

Our Peer Support groups are an opportunity for you to meet other people with DPDR and to share experiences, discuss treatment options and learn new techniques to help you cope with your symptoms.

information for healthcare professionals

We’re aware that often DPDR doesn’t often appear in training manuals or diagnostics, and healthcare professionals might require more information to understand how to best help a patient. We are able to provide details of the most common ways DPDR is treated in clinical settings.

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