Current Research Opportunities

Please note: the research projects below are being conducted by trusted and verified academic third parties and not by Unreal directly. All studies advertised have been awarded ethical approval from their institution.

Anglia Ruskin University (ARU)


This study is looking to recruit candidates aged over 18 to complete an online survey about your DPDR experiences, and how they might relate to your memory, perspective of future, and sense of self.

These are set out as Likert scales, meaning you will be asked to rate your experience on a scale, for example, from 0 “completely disagree” to 5 “completely agree”. Once you have completed these questions, you will be provided with a debrief sheet which further explains the aims of the study and provides contact information for myself and any support services that may be helpful to you. In total, this survey is expected to take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

All the information that we collect during the study itself will be anonymous upon collection and kept strictly confidential. You will not be able to be identified in any ensu- ing reports or publications. Your answers cannot and will not be linked to any per- sonally identifiable details. Your name and email address, if you choose to provide it for future communication, will not be linked to the research data collected from you. Only anonymous data will be shared with other researchers, directly involved in this study.

This study has received ethical approval from the School Research Ethics Panel (SREP) at Anglia Ruskin University.