Privacy Policy

(Last Updated: December 2021)

Here at Unreal we take your data seriously and conform to the legislation surrounding the Data Protection Act (2018) and GDPR.  We will only use your personal information to send you information about our charity and what we do. Under these policies, you have the:

·  Right to be informed about the collection and the use of your personal data

·  Right of access to data

·  Right to rectification

·  Right to erasure

·  Right to restrict processing

·  Right to data portability

·  Right to object

More information about these legal policies and what they contain can be found on the ICO Website.  Any questions regarding our policy and our privacy practice should be sent to

How do we collect information from you?

Data will be obtained from you:

·      If you sign up to our newsletter

·      If you sign up to attend one of our peer support events (or any other event we might host)

·      If you donate to the charity through JustGiving, etc

·      If you provide us with your name and consent at an event using our physical newsletter sign-up sheets.

·      If you interact with us via social media accounts

What type of information is collected from you?

We ask the following details when you sign up to our mailing list:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • On occasion, people wishing to donate money to Unreal prefer to do so via bank transfer. In instances such as this, the donator’s account number will appear on our bank statements.

Within our virtual peer support groups, we are aware that sensitive information might be shared voluntarily.  All attendees are asked to abide by our house rules, including ‘what is said within the group stays within the group’.  Whilst anybody found to be falling foul of this policy will no longer be permitted to attend our groups, we are unable to police what people do with information once the groups end.  The sessions are never recorded by us.

Will my data be shared with anyone else?

We will not share, sell, or distribute any of the information that you provide with us without your consent. However, given the nature of Unreal’s work, there may be circumstances where we are duty-bound to do so under our Safeguarding Policy, and in compliance with the exclusions set out by the DPA (2018) for when data may be shared - for example, if we are given information suggesting that an individual is at risk of harming either themselves or a third party, to prevent or report a crime, or for matters of national security.  

Please be aware that your data may be held by third-party companies that we use, such as EventBrite, MailChimp, JustGiving, etc.  Their handling of your data will be governed by their own privacy policies.


How do you store my information?

If you sign up to our newsletters your information will be securely stored on Mailchimp.  If signing up for a peer support session, the information will be securely stored on Eventbrite, which we can then access to help us securely run the sessions.  If you send us an email, or use the contact form on our website, your name and email address will come through to our Gmail inbox.  As per the 2018 GDPR policy, your information will be stored unless you request that it be deleted – please see ‘Can I withdraw my consent?’ below for details on how to do this.

How will we contact you?

You will only be contacted by us in the ways that you have given us consent for – usually via email.  In some circumstances, if you provide a phone number and ask us to call you, a member of our team might choose to reach you in this way.  We will usually only send you our usual charity mailouts – but if you email us directly, we will endeavour to respond to you directly also.  We might also need to contact you regarding changes to an event you’ve booked to attend – for example, one of our virtual peer support sessions.

Who will see your personal data?

Your information will only be seen by a select few of our volunteers who are responsible for running our events and compiling our mailouts – and everybody with this responsibility is given internal training on GDPR compliance. 

Can I withdraw my consent?

Yes, always. You have the right to do this at any time.  Just contact us or unsubscribe via the email footer. You also have the right to request all of the data we hold for you.

If you wish to make a complaint about how your data is held, please contact us on