Peer Support Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct outlines the behaviours and attitudes that we expect from each other when we attend a Peer Support Group. This is important so that everyone feels safe, comfortable and able to participate. If you have any questions about this code of conduct, please ask the group facilitator at the start of the session.

1. Our group focuses on giving peer support to those dealing with lived experience of Depersonalisation and Derealisation Disorder (DPRD). It is not group therapy.

2. We treat members of the group with dignity and respect everyone’s right to privacy. What people share with us remains in the group and is not shared with others. However, if at any time a person discloses any harm to themselves or others, those discussions will not remain confidential.

3. We do not discuss group members or other people who are not present.

4. We listen and we do not talk over others. We give supportive attention to the person who is speaking and avoid side conversations.

5. We raise our hand if we would like to speak/we wait for others to finish before we speak.

6. We appreciate that participating can mean different things to different people, and it is okay to participate in whatever way you feel able.

7. We try to give everyone an opportunity to share. No one should feel obligated to share more information or feelings than they are comfortable with.

8. We are here to share our own feelings and experiences; we try not to give advice as we understand everyone’s experiences are different from our own.

9. We do not make assumptions, judgements or statements about others.

10. We are appreciative of everyone spending time to be part of the meeting and will start and end meetings on time.

To find out more about Peer Support, click here.